MSP Tax Consulting Frankfurt Westend Taxation Individuals
Digital Tax Returns with "DATEV meine
Gift or Inheritance tax
Taxation of income from rentals
Income tax calculation
Deductibility of advertising expenses
Deductibility of exceptional costs e.g. illness costs or alimony payments
Support regarding tax class change
Checking Tax Assessments
Taxation of Stock Options
Reviewing tax assessment notices
Out of court appeal procedures
Preparation of inheritance tax returns and gift tax
Advice on company succession
Advice on asset transfers, e.g. real estate and business assets
Advice for spouses on the purchase and transfer of real estate with regard to gift tax
Settlement of foreign inheritances taking into account double taxation agreements (e.g. DBA USA /
Determination of inheritance liabilities
Advice on structuring with regard to inheritance
Support for communities of heirs and preparation of current tax returns
Support for family companies
Formation of asset management GmbHs
Examination of tax assessments
Conducting appeals against tax assessments
Advising on avoiding double taxation of income earned abroad, including in cross-border transactions
Reviewing the tax consequences of reloacting a residence or assets abroad
Reviewing inheritance-tax aspects of holding assets abroad
Preparation of tax returns and tax return verification
Advising on tax deductions (e.g. health insurance, pension contributions, medical care costs)
Advising on double tax treaty and social security agreements (e.g. USA / Canada)
Advising on Certificate of Coverage and secondment agreements
Taxation of company cars and allowances
Asset planning and tax optimization
Selecting the best legal form for assets
Advising on investment models
Tax planning for real estate investments
Succession planning
Tax payment planning
International tax consulting
Matrix themes